Friday, February 17, 2012

Misc. Writing::: What is Love?

            Love is the eternal connection between a person and their soul.  It ties onto the emotions that we take with us through out our lives and brings us the joys that we share with the people in our lives.  Love is brushing the hair over someone’s ear or just sitting in the parking lot at Brick Steamer sharing an ice cream.  It’s found everywhere you look; the gardener who loves his flowers are in full bloom for our hungry eyes to feast upon, the nurturing mother raises her child so that we can enjoy his good company when he has grown, and the hard working Olympic team who loves the feeling of victory on their sweating brow.
            It comes in all shapes and sizes, its shown in many ways, and it’s the one thing that will never go out of style.  What love does not do however is taunt you like an angry man swings a piece of steak in front of a slimming dog.  Love can fade, but it is never lost in our hearts.  Even the most harden person who holds a grudge could never forget the love he once shared with the one who causes him pain.  His grudge could never hold as long as that love.  It returns joy and always concurs over all toil.
            It is forgiving and never vengeful.  It is always beautiful, even if it is being shown in the most peculiar of ways.  It can wear thin at times, but after careful repairs and become stronger than ever.  It should be cherished forever and never forgotten by those whom have felt its immense power! 

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